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Release Version 2019 12 20

  • Please note that as per October 2017, maintenance and support licenses can only be purchased through Sounds Virtual Inc. Sites who have previously purchased or have a current maintenance agreement with Gentian Learning Systems should contact us as soon as possible at
  • Client and server files must both be updated. This client will not connect to previous server versions.
  • Your site must have a current maintenance agreement to run this software. You can check your site's maintenance status by signing on to your system with the MASTER ID and choosing Help->About from the menu bar. If the maintenance shows as expired, please contact us for more details.
  • Changes and fixes included in this version of CAN-8 are detailed in the Version Release Notes section below.

CAN-8 Client Download
File size: 63.0 MBytes
Release Version:
2019 12 20

CAN-8 Server Update:
File size: 182 KBytes

Related Downloads

DescriptionVersionSize (MB)English

Sites performing a new install of the CAN-8 system should contact to obtain the server software installation file.
Client software installation instructions2019 11 110.30 Download
Client software customization instructions2019 11 110.30 Download
Server Update Procedure2019 11 110.01Download
Minimum requirements for new installations 2019 11 11 0.01 Download
Online manual 2019 11 11 0.01 View
PDF Version of the manual 2019 11 11 0.01 Download

Additional tools and documentation for CAN-8 systems may be found in the tools section of this page.
Previous versions of the CAN-8 client may be found here

Release Notes:

The CAN-8 client and server software undergoes constant testing and improvements. When a sufficient number of changes have been made to the software and a period of testing is done, a software release is made available.
The following table describes the more major changes that have been made to the software for this release. All customers are encouraged to update to the latest version to maintain the integrity of their system.


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Change #Description
Changes included in the 2019 12 20 release of CAN-8:
SV811Selecting 'Continue recording' to a recording submitted in a previous session will cause data loss
SV828 Scrolling while exporting student recorded data would terminate the client.
SV816Class field size in import file changed to accommodate '-' character
Sv837 In some cases, import file failed to delete instructor IDs
SV825Random mode was skipping items
SV826 First T items in random/sequential test mode do not display
SV821 Message alert failed to appear if student exited the lesson without answering
SV839E items with max time limit would lock students in when re-entering item.
SV833 Planner: Changing disabled items type sometimes set audio max time to 3X automatically
SV830 Improved error message translation
SV840 Disabled BACK button while example sound plays
SV841 Disabled NEXT button in time limited item
SV842 Pressing Record button while playing count limited example item would prevent student from listening to the entire audio
SVnew Boost audio export levels for low volume recordings
SV822 Adds support for Salish combining characters
Changes included in the 2018 03 16 release of CAN-8:
SV811Pasted items in planner sometimes present wrong content
SV778Changing an item property while editing clears content changes.
SV815 Signed on state in tracker sometimes was incorrect.
SV814 Handling of keepalives for firewall restrictions improved.
SV812 Changes in accents to items in planner were not always saved
SV782 Pasted text/font/case is not always preserved.
SV789 Babilon view by class fixed.
SV813 Babilon console window organization improved.
SV741 Text not always copied correctly from PDF file.
SVnew Custom reports by lesson item completion available.
SVnew Text area of Example items changed to full size in Planner.
SVnew Supports IP address/port changes during active session.
SVnew Added tabstop support in text editor.
SVnew New planner option for copied text.
SVnew Added support for Okanagan and Salish font. New virtual keyboards available. Sites who wish to install the virtual Keyboard should contact
SVnewGroup recordings.
SVnewColour coded group recordings playback.
SVnew Instructors can leave multiple messages per student in each cell
SVnew New notification alert at login when message has been left by instructor.
SVnew Direct links from oral message notification list to the message/item.
SVnew Messages no longer automatically removed. Students can retrieve and re-play previous oral messages.
Changes that were included in the 20150929 release of CAN-8:
SV741Editing a newly created Planner before saving the menu would cause an unexpected client shut down.
SV744In some instances, classes could not be added in students' profile. Would generate a server can't complete your request error message.
SV744Servers with over 65000 users registered may experience duplicated user ID codes.
SV746Some new users' records were missing from report.
SV745Instructor could not add marks in tracker.
SV754Fixes noise at the end of new recordings.
SV759Extra space characters in server field would return server not found error.
SV772Headset warning message does not allow re-login for 30 seconds.
SV224Red message cell in tracker would turn green if the instructor listened to the student's answer after leaving the message. It now remains red until the student receives the message.
SV743Error message generated in user's properties window could prevent displaying the properties box content when accessed the next time.
SV742Fixes paint error when changing item type from item with an audio graph to item without.
SV748Display User List would not show more than 32000 users at one time.
SV752Import file would cause errors if 'SP' was selected for language interface.
SV749Added optional field placeholder to import file.
SV755Save display lists in Column-type CSV format.
SV756'Display user' and 'Display Classes' commands display attributes as well.
SV761New 'Select All/Deselect' button in attribute tab.
SV750Instructors can import student list.
SV762 Mark assigned per item increased to out of 10 (_/10) instead of out of 9 (_/9).
SV760Test options menu re-ordered.
SV759Lesson mode status displayed on Tracker and Student interface for 'Wait to Start' and 'Review' mode.
Changes that were included in the 20141216 release of CAN-8:
SV722Buffer overflow when sending classes to tracker. (part of hotfix 20140929)
SV719Some classes not listed in VIEW > BY CLASS selection window. (part of hotfix 20140929)
SV720Feedback not shown in review mode. (part of hotfix 20140929)
SV733Student belonging to MASTER would not show in the Babilon list. (part of hotfix 20140929)
SV690Cell with message in tracker would become green if instructor clicked on it. The cells now remain red until the students listen.
SV738Multiple choice selections could be lost in planner if the options were selected then pasted over.
SV736New: Play limit. Limits how many time sample audio in each item can be played per test. (see manual under Item Properties section).
SV740New: High quality audio now on by default.
SV715Added support for Vietnamese font.
SV728Font in new planner items defaults to medium size.
SV730Play cursor value shown in seconds by default.
Changes that were included in the 20140715 release of CAN-8:
SV716DMI error when moving main menu Items in some rare cases. Menu file could get corrupted is menu is saved after error appeared.
SV698Exiting the planner without closing accumulated error boxes error would crash the client.
SV698In rare cases, the issue above combined with disk space recovery task could cause lesson data loss.
SV696Added support for new JPGs format with missing parts of headers
SV695Paste function failed if copying more than one line at a time from a MS Word document with lists.
SV694Spanish settings for the system supervisor profile would prevent login on previous versions.
SV690Added missing path display in Spanish interface
SV601Missing Spanish translation in items' Properties window.
SV714New discussion Group. Babilon.
Changes that were included in the 20131216 release of CAN-8:
SV669Copy/paste an item into a lesson menu on top copied items would crash the client.
SV675Program error when copying text from MS Word Table.
SV668 EXPORT > ALL ANSWER generates error if lesson names include a character not allowed in Windows file name convention
SV663Option EXPORT > ALL ANSWER remained greyed out if the Planner includes only one answer.
SV675Copy/paste Chinese text from Word to CAN-8 would generate unknow characters. Support added for UC2 code
SV675Cayuga text import from word document was revised.
SV677Input device detection. Audio drivers are re-initialized when audio input jack lose and regain connection.
SV668Change drag/drop from a planner to another changed from cut/paste to copy/paste wto prevent data loss.
SV668New Save/abandon changes option upon Planner exit.
SV660ntserve - Search for authorization device extended to com16
SV686New - Import video file from URL. Video can now be linked to a URL from withing an item to be accessible by remote users.
SV689 New - Improved audio quality. Previous CAN-8 clients will not be able to play audio recorded with this version
SV687New - [refresh class] and [delete class] sections in import files.
SV684New - License information field under HELP --> About window - MASTER only. Indicates the number of permanent licenses the site owns.
SV683New - Spanish Interface support.
Changes that were included in the 20130731 release of CAN-8:
SV538Selecting a mark column in a empty tracker generates fatal error in client
SV644Student program. Client would freeze in write item when text selected and dragged.
SV648Pasting MSWord table in Planner would abort client program.
SV652Scrolling while selecting items in planner menu causes client to exit.
SV640Planner would remain in 'busy' state if more than 2 users accessed it
SV632Audio scaling for loud recordings adjusted
SV615Editing of password field during import would scramble password
SV602Drag/drop background image refresh fixed
SV587Report file error count corrected
SV600Tracker scoring issues resolved
SV601Partial deletion of overflowing text in Planner displayed incorrectly
SV653Record button missing when item type changed from Read item to any other item type
SV654Fixed Tracker Background.
SV624User property box opens when changing background image.
SV593Help > About window - Authorization device number sometimes scrambled
SV596SVSETUP now runs on previously installed identical client for customization purpose.
SV657New audio speed control
SV658Planner 'Abandon Changes' option restored
SV659Added support for Henry font RTF import
Changes that were included in the 20121216 release of CAN-8:
SV617Some menu directory names generated by the system could crash the client. Lesson data loss could occur.
SV614Menu display would crash the client when menu tag loops were encountered.
SV603Adding mark columns to empty tracker crashes client.
SV622Using the page down key on empty tracker causes crash.
SV620Report would show 'menu name not available' for existing menus.
SV621Final score in Tracker was inconsistent in different zoom levels.
SV622Final score in student interface reviewed.
SV605Tracker would not exit properly if user exits tracker before it finishes loading.
SV595Images could not be added to the image selector for backgrounds.
SV591Large trackers were slow to display if packets were arriving out of order.
SV589Client unresponsive when message left to students in certain conditions.
SV577Planner would stay in waiting mode if network experienced excessive packet loss.
SV629Renaming item in Planner menu failed when followed by right click.
SV590Horizontal scroll bar missing in tracker after zoom change.
SV594French support updated
SV588Import.rep file was not consistent with report in interface window.
SV618Ability to remove students from classes now possible with import file.
SV619New Silent option for SVSETUP.
Changes that were included in the previous release of CAN-8:
SV561Lessons with a missing USERS directory may crash the tracker when items clicked on.
SV583Simultaneous use of planner on multiple stations with the same lesson may result in lesson corruption.
SV577Server re-login timeout adjusted for same ID/IP login.
SV585Changing menu item names with tabs open causes duplicate tabs.
SV574User list available in phone would occasionally show wrong login time.
SV554Aborted login does not let user sign back on immediately.
SV534Menu item names made entirely of spaces are no longer allowed.
SV566Export student answers dialog in tracker did not always show in Windows 7.
SV573Inherited classes did not show when student is registered by an instructor.
SV581Sound graph in phone did not always clear.
SV591Out of order packets caused tracker to be slow to load student data.
SV575User timeout not kept active when dialog box tabs clicked on.
SV556Available item count in planner incorrect when dropping items into a nearly full plan.
SV568French language support included.
SV503Auto-install program customizable for re-distribution.
SV503Auto-install program made available.
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All sites with a current maintenance agreement should download and install this updated version as soon as possible.
If you do not have a maintenance agreement, you may contact your CAN-8 representative, or Sounds Virtual directly to purchase one.
Be aware that critical errors are fixed in this update and although customers are free to update their software at any time, all customers are encouraged to update their systems as soon as possible. The repair of any errors or data corruption caused on the customers system by not using this most recent version will be chargeable by Sounds Virtual, even if the customer has a maintenance agreement in place.

Additional Tools

To setup and administer a CAN-8 system some additional files and utilities may be needed. If you cannot find the files you need you should contact Sounds Virtual Support and request them.

DescriptionVersionSize (MB)OSEnglishFrançais
USB driver Installation instructions 0.3 All (32 & 64 bit)Download
USB driver for security authorization device 2.20 Microsoft 32 bitDownload
USB driver for security authorization device 1.37 Microsoft 64 bitDownload
CAN-8 as a service utilities and instructions2018 03 16 2.20 All (32 & 64 bit)Download

For CAN-8 support, enquiries regarding the purchase of the software or to purchase/renew a maintenance agreement, please contact:
support@can8.comBabilon Driver Download

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